St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 4/12 - Christmas Fayre at 3.30 p.m......6/12 - Pantomime for Whole School.....11/12 - Carol Concert at Mount Carmel - 6.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.....12/12 - Churches of Clayton-le-Moors & Altham Concert at St. Mary's 6 - 7 p.m......16/12 - Christmas Lunch.....17/12 - Infant Nativity 2 p.m. & 6 p.m......19/12 - School Finishes at 1.15 - 1.30 p.m......

SPRING 2022 - 'Angry Earth' (KS2), 'Home & Away' (KS1) & 'Traditional Tales' (EYFS)


Our classroom novels for this half-term.

British Values Week - March 2022

Chicks Come to Reception for their 'Animals' topic

D.T. Day in Class 2 for their Geography Topic with Art Jo!

1/3/2022 - International Wheelchair Day - Reece Taylor visits to talk about living life in a wheelchair

Geography field trip for the infants around their local area

Using microscopes in Science - C4

Talking about and understanding the conflict in Eastern Europe - Y6 debate

Messy Maps for Geography in Class 2 - linking to the Peter Rabbit text in English!

Final piece of writing to round off the Geography topic!

EYFS Outdoor Guided Reading Sessions

World Book day 2022

EYFS fun in Forest school

Well done to our Government 'Points of Light' winner for the 27th January 2022, Wendy Schofield, for her tireless work for our school and the whole community.

Class 2's reading for pleasure suitcase of books for their Peter Rabbit topic

British Values Week - Non-Uniform to represent the communities we belong to...

British Values Week - Democracy - Voting & Debates

British Values Week - School Council prepare activities and decorate the school!

British Values Week - Disability Awareness in P.E.

British Values Week - Home Fire Safety Officer & Road Safety

British Values Week - PCSO Visits School

Life Education Team visit school

Showing solidarity for the people of the Ukraine

Creation of a Nurture Room in school

Lunchtime Clubs - Sport's Day Club

Dance Competition for Juniors and Infants at Oswaldtwistle Civic Hall

Final piece of writing in the geography unit

Passing on the Olympic Torch between schools - making flags

After-school girl's football

Team building tournament

Using tools in the EYFS

Healthy Eating in the EYFS

Mrs Sheridan's after school Dancing Club

Sportshall Athletics Tournament - Feb 2022

Eco Team visit Mount Carmel

Art Jo's D.T. day in Class 1

Computing - using Computer Aided Designs to build our dream houses

Hunting for the Naughty Bus in Class 1

Father Ian's visits to school

Dissolving Experiments at Mount Carmel in their science labs!

Open the Book perform Worship for St. Mary's 

Class 4 - Computing at Mount Carmel secondary school

Class 4 Prayers

God's Gardeners in Action

Father Farrell Visits Class 2

Forest School Fun linked to EYFS topic!

EYFS Provision - Spring 2022

The GIFT Team visit Mount Carmel for a special themed day

Friends of St. Mary's Quiz at Great Harwood Cricket Club

Pancake Day - March 1st 2022!

Art Jo visits Class 4

Year 6 reach the Lancashire Football Finals at Fleetwood

Sport's Themed Dinner Day

Class 4 visit secondary school Mount Carmel for another curriculum enrichment day - this time it was D.T. and making mythical creatures with  moving parts.

Swimming Gala - 2022

Children enjoying the new outdoor reading area in the EYFS

Year 6 D.T. Day - Using mechanisms to create a moving natural disaster...

The GIFT Team were in action earlier in the week as they delivered the Shrine of the Pilgrim Mother to Class 2.

Worship in Class 2 using the Shrine of the Pilgrim Mother as a focal point

Planting seeds in bags and nurturing them before growing them in soil

Lunch together at Lent

'Go Purple' - Lent 2022

2K Winter Warmer Park Run

GIFT Team Worship - St. Joseph the Worker

Forest School for Reception children every Monday morning

Class 1's book 'The Gingerbread Man' came to life as they hunted for him - eventually finding video evidence of him running around Mr Mashiter's office!

A brilliant retelling of Reception's innovation to the Gingerbread Man story...

Worship in Class 2 and Class 4

Maths in EYFS - Outdoor shape hunt!

Reception children toasting marshmallows over the fire in Forest School

Year 1, 2 & 3 Gifted & talented football tournament

Toast Sale - to raise money for 'Chicks for Reception'!

Sportshall Athletics Tournament

Gardening Club - Morrison's vouchers to buy a greenhouse!