St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 1/5/2024 - Class 3 & 4 Mass at 10.00 a.m.....17/5/2024 - Race Night at St. Mary's Organised by PTFA....22/5/2024 - Reception Heights & Weights.....22/5/2024 - Class 1,2 & 5 Mass at 10.00 a.m......23/5/2024 - Sacrament of Reconciliation in Church at 10.00 a.m.....24/5/2024 - Deadline for Year 6 Residential payment....24/5/2024 - School breaks up for 2 weeks......10/6/2024 - Y1 Phonics and Y4 Multiplication Checks over next 2 weeks....17/6/2024 - Whitehough Y6 Resdiential - 3 days....26/6/2024 - Junior Trip to Outdoor Elements.....27/6/2024 - New to Reception Starters Evening at 6.00 p.m......7/7/2024 - Sacrament of Holy Communion - Time TBC....9/7/2024 - New to Reception Taster Morning at 9.05 a.m......10/7/2024 - Infant Trip to Smithills Farm.....11/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Service in Church at 10.00 a.m.......12/7/2024 - Y6 Leaver's Lunch......15/7/2024 - Reports Out to Parents......16/7/2024 - Junior Play Performance - 'Cinderella' - 2 p.m. & 6 p.m......17/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly.....17/7/2024 - School Finishes for the Summer at 1.15/1.30 p.m.

Friends of St. Mary's (formerly PTFA)

"For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:9


The Friends of St. Mary's do an absolutely amazing job of organising events in school to raise money that can be put towards providing further educational opportunities for our children. Events they have organised so far this year include a Film Night, Ladies Night, Slime Making event, Easter Bingo and Valentine's Disco. They also organise the annual Summer and Christmas Fayres.
                 Chair                 Mrs Campbell 

     Vice Chair        Mr Mashiter

                   Secretary          Mr Mashiter

                   Treasurer         Mrs Cropper



We are actively recruiting for more people to join us on our newly formed 'Friends of St. Mary's group. Please see above for details!

Easter Bingo!

Friends of St. Mary's Quiz at Great Harwood Cricket Club

Design a pumpkin competition!

Just some of the things that we have been able to provide for the children in the last 18 months through money raised by the PTFA...

Friends of St. Mary's have raised £2,500 this school year through all of their hard work. What is particularly amazing about this is that it has all been done virtually!

Design a Pumpkin Competition!

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Bring a Bottle for the Christmas Tombola - non-uniform day.

The PTFA organised a special 'Harry Potter Day' to commemorate World Book Day 2020.

The Cake & Bake sale went down superbly this Friday. On the last Friday of every month it will be the turn of a class to bring in lots of items we can sell to raise money for school.

Valentine's Disco attended by 85 of our children and raising £200 for children in school!!!

The P.T.F.A. raised money that paid for our pantomime trip to Cinderella at King George's Hall for every child in school.

Just some of the things that P.T.FA. raised money has paid for to enhance the opportunities our children have in school....

Events in 2019 organised by the P.T.F.A.