St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 1/5/2024 - Class 3 & 4 Mass at 10.00 a.m.....17/5/2024 - Race Night at St. Mary's Organised by PTFA....22/5/2024 - Reception Heights & Weights.....22/5/2024 - Class 1,2 & 5 Mass at 10.00 a.m......23/5/2024 - Sacrament of Reconciliation in Church at 10.00 a.m.....24/5/2024 - Deadline for Year 6 Residential payment....24/5/2024 - School breaks up for 2 weeks......10/6/2024 - Y1 Phonics and Y4 Multiplication Checks over next 2 weeks....17/6/2024 - Whitehough Y6 Resdiential - 3 days....26/6/2024 - Junior Trip to Outdoor Elements.....27/6/2024 - New to Reception Starters Evening at 6.00 p.m......7/7/2024 - Sacrament of Holy Communion - Time TBC....9/7/2024 - New to Reception Taster Morning at 9.05 a.m......10/7/2024 - Infant Trip to Smithills Farm.....11/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Service in Church at 10.00 a.m.......12/7/2024 - Y6 Leaver's Lunch......15/7/2024 - Reports Out to Parents......16/7/2024 - Junior Play Performance - 'Cinderella' - 2 p.m. & 6 p.m......17/7/2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly.....17/7/2024 - School Finishes for the Summer at 1.15/1.30 p.m.


Lenterprise Around School

Chaplaincy Day at Mount Carmel

GIFT Team Lead a  Foodbank Appeal

Easter Bingo

Stations of the Cross Service

World Book Day 2024

Class 1 - Messy Maps for their Geography Topic

Class 2 Habitats Work in Science

Igloo Making!

Last Supper Drama


After School Clubs this Term

Class 2 Geography Fieldtrip

EFFS - Three Little Pigs Performance to Parents

Eco Team Meetings & Assemblies - Spring

Art in Class 2 - Peter Rabbit Gardens

Life Education Team Visit St. Mary's

Let's Go Sing 2024

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C4 Computing at Mount Carmel

Class Masses during the Spring Term

Sacramental Programme Children this Year

Open the Book joined us several times this term

Mount Carmel - Bishop John Leads Mass

Class 1 Superheroes - Computing

Forest School in the Spring Term at St. Mary's - Infants

Life Cycles - Frog spawn in Class 1

EYFS - Three Little Pigs Topic

Conscience Alley - C4

EYFS - Naughty Bus Topic