St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

We pray, We work, We play, We care, We do our best!


Devonshire Drive, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5RJ

01254 231277

LATEST NEWS & DATES : 23/1 - Kids Football Cup Final Day at Fleetwood.....27/1 - Year 6 Residential to Robin Wood.....14/2 - School Closes for Half-Term....24/2 - Children return back to school.....5/3 - Scholastic Book Fayre in school for 1 week.....6/3 - World Book Day.....14/3 - Let's Go Sing at Blackpool Winter Gardens

2020-21 - Summer Term - Seas & Oceans

This term, our topic through school is Seas & Oceans. Below you will find evidence of everything we have done around this topic as well as all the other fun and exciting things we pack into a term here at St. Mary's...

KS2 Summer Play


Click here to download the KS2 Summer Play (Duration of the show - 1 hour)



New Values Board in the School Hall

Novels for our topic this term

MP Sara Britcliffe visits Class 3 to answer children's questions about waste plastics and their damage to the seas and oceans of our world.

School is mentioned in the House of Commons after the MP's visit...

...and the local newspapers...

Local Hero Award for our efforts! - June 2021

Junior visit to Outdoor Elements - May 2021

Infant Summer Trip - Mrs Dowson's Farm

End of term Trampolining treat

Day 1 - All Classes   Day 2 - Y6 and Team Point Winners

Buddies in Year 6 write and perform a story for Reception children.

'Seas & Oceans' clay work in Class 4

Class 3's Plastic Pollution Documentary - April 2021 - R.E. permeates through every part of our curriculum at every opportunity we get. During English, Class 3 have been using their speaking & listening, debating and persuasive skills to put together a documentary video on the problem of waste plastics in our oceans. This links in perfectly with Pope Francis' call for us to care for our common home...'Laudato Si'. 

Making a model of a river in Class 3

Pentecostal Worship

Internet Safety session for juniors with Rob Musker

Class 1's Art Day with Jo

'Seas & Oceans' purses in D.T.

Class 1 are looking for 'The Lost Penguin'!

Hyndburn Book Heroes initiative - July 2021

Marian Worships around school

Class 4 R.E. Drama - May 2021

Eid Celebrations and presentation!

Phonics Fun!

Class 3's practical Geography experiments looking into the effects of erosion

Global Catholic Climate Ambassador visits Class 5

EYFS taking Maths outdoors

Class 5 investigating how a submarine periscope would work in Science

EYFS Culture Area

Learning a new song in EYFS through story mapping

Class 5 Tsunami drama freeze frames - as part of their topic work on 'Seas & Oceans', Class 5 imagined what it would be like to live through this natural disaster through the medium of drama. 

St. Mary's receive Sara Britcliffe's 'Local Hero Award'.

Crazy Hair Day at St. Mary's

Class 1 Nature Walk

Class 2 Outdoor Worship

Food collected for our local foodbank

Art Jo visits Class 4

Sports Day

Art Jo visits Class 2

Class 4 Maths Orienteering

PCSO Molly Walton introduces herself to children at school

St Mary's Football Tournament - Within our bubbles

Strawberry the Rabbit is back in school after the winter break!

Fun with phonics 

Dance rehearsals for the summer junior play!

Crazy Hair Day - raising money for the summer fayre

More phonics outdoor learning

Class 1's Bee Walk

Outdoor learning in CARITAS lesson

Class 1's Tree Investigation

Outdoor Phonics...

Class 1 release their butterflies...

God's Gardeners growing mint, potatoes, carrots, leeks and lots of other vegetables for local food banks...

Caterpillars in Class 1!

Changing the entrance to school...

Chocolate non-uniform day

What a lovely surprise to see three of our ex-students visit us from Hyndburn Academy to talk to our Year 6 children...